What Is Swift?

Don’t be surprised if you haven’t heard of the Swift treatment before. It’s a new technology, that was launched in the UK back in 2016. In fact, I was one of the first clinics to invest in the swift treatment and it’s transformed my treatment of verrucas ever since! I often get asked, what’s the…

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Are You Prioritising Your Feet?

Our feet carry us throughout our entire life, why wouldn’t you want to take care of them? We may all have busy lives but that’s no excuse for neglecting your feet. You should never ignore any part of your body; it deserves regular care and attention. Which is why I want to ask if you’re…

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Potty Purple Pod and the Perils of the Pedicures

A dehydrated toe nail

Cases from the clinic An interesting case of chalky white nail, came into clinic,  they looked like this : Do you notice the chalky white lines going across the nail and the white grainy, patchy appearance of the nail? I am seeing this condition more and more, this lady had recently had some nail gels…

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Reflexology, Could it be Your Answer?

Jen Hurst, Reflexologist at Lane Ends Podiatry, Warrington

Could Reflexology be the answer to some of your health issues?  Talking to my in-house Reflexologist Jen Hurst, during world reflexology week, I was amazed at some of the stories she told me about people who she has helped.  So much so I invited her to be our guest blogger this month to share them…

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