About Me
Dianne Ashcroft - Potty Purple Pod
I get you!
Are you looking for a direct, straight talking, no nonsense, tell it like it is, mad about purple, podiatrist that's going to give her honest opinion about your foot problem and what can be done to fix it?
You just found her.
If something as silly as a sore ingrown toe nail, funny skin rash, cracked heel, itchy feet, or wart/verruca is stopping you from doing the things that you enjoy doing in your life, let me help you fix that without further delay.
Okay, so you've tried treating it at home, you've read stuff online, you maybe even saw your doctor but it's just not worked well enough to solve that foot problem and now you're getting frustrated that it's deteriorating or just not going away. Worse still, it's holding you back from getting on with your life and enjoying the things that you love to do: like going swimming, sunbathing on a beach, going for a spa treatment, doing stuff with your kids, going for a run or walking the dog. I understand how positively depressing that is!
I've spent the best part of 30 years helping people just like you get their feet fixed so that you can get back to enjoying the things you love doing without worrying anymore about that foot thing!
You don't need to be embarrassed, I've seen it all before. Most people like you are surprised to know nothing fazes me when it comes to feet, and I can guarantee you I will have seen a lot worse over the years. So don't be shy anymore, bite the bullet, make an appointment, let me help you get that problem fixed, you know you want to!

Things I'm passionate about
Purple: I love purple, I even have purple hair! When you come here you will see lots of purple so if you hate purple, I am not the podiatrist for you. (There are plenty of beige ones out there to try)
Watching the Tour de France every year: I was there in 2014 on the first day when the race started in Yorkshire, and I have the stolen sign to prove it!
Salsa dancing: Back in the early 2000s BC (before children) I was so passionate about salsa that I would travel miles to go to a salsa event, it was not unusual for me to drive up to Glasgow, down to Birmingham across to Liverpool and Manchester to go salsa dancing. The snake hip action is a bit stiffer these days, some 20 years later, but I still like to get out and wiggle them when I can.
Going to conferences: I’m a serial conference junkie and I invest heavily in it. Why? it's important to me to stay as up to date as possible with current thinking both in Podiatry and across the other health professions so that I can ensure my patients get the best help available, that even includes going to America!
Back in April 2019, Gill Gibson from Totally Podiatry in Langport and I travelled all the way to Washington DC to attend the 4 day Derm foot conference to listen to what some of the world leaders had to say about the huge range of nail and skin issues affecting people’s feet! It was an awesome trip and we learned a ton of stuff to help you!
Favourite place: Hawes, North Yorkshire, (home of Buttertubs climb) fell in love with it back in the 2014 Tour de France (make sure to visit The Mulbery Bush for a warm welcome from Helene if you go there)
Favourite thing to do: Watch the high spring tides come over the wall at West Kirby Marine Lake. My kids learned to windsurf there, they always loved being in or on water growing up. In May 2019 I put them on a windsurfing course at the sailing centre, they took to it immediately. Watching their love of the water brings me immense joy.
So, if you've got a foot that needs fixing or you share my passion for purple, dancing, cycling, watching the tide come in and straight talk, I’m definitely the podiatrist to help you.
Let's get cracking on sorting your feet out for your better life.