How ‘just cutting toe nails’ became a life saver

Dianne holding up a portable ECG machine

How do you think a potentially life-saving consultation could happen when somebody just comes to see me to have their toenails cut? Let me explain about a chap I saw recently…     I carried out my usual baseline checks which I do for all my new patients including using my doppler to have a…

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Dianne has the Audacity to Recommend Competitors, is she Mad?

Who do I recommend and why? You might be thinking, ‘Dianne, have you lost the plot? Why would you recommend other podiatrists? You are going to lose business!’ IT’S ABOUT PROVIDING THE BEST SERVICE I’ll tell you why… I have always believed in providing the best service I can, even if that means it’s not me…

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I didn’t know

Dianne Ashcroft with a tuning fork held to her head

Things I didn’t know before my podiatrist told me Recently, I conducted a poll among my Podiatry colleagues asking what was the most common response to: “the things I didn’t know before my podiatrist told me” statement. You might be interested in the answers, here’s the top 5 of 20:- I didn’t know I had…

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