I didn’t know

Dianne Ashcroft with a tuning fork held to her head

Things I didn’t know before my podiatrist told me Recently, I conducted a poll among my Podiatry colleagues asking what was the most common response to: “the things I didn’t know before my podiatrist told me” statement. You might be interested in the answers, here’s the top 5 of 20:- I didn’t know I had…

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How can Warm Wax Therapy help me?

Dianne Ashcroft treating a patient with warm wax therapy

Are you suffering with dry cracked heels, aching stiff joints or soreness in your feet?  Warm Wax Therapy can help you. A luxurious feeling treatment, utilising the soothing and softening properties of heated paraffin wax. Your painful, aching joints are eased and irritated chilblains are pacified by gently applying warm wax to the skin. Wax retains…

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